Use these messenger scripts to invite prospects and customers to watch the Amare Transform Your Life event or your own personal virtual event.
New Prospect
Hey (NAME)! My friends (or mentors, whatever feels natural) are hosting a free virtual event this week and I immediately thought of you. It will be about 30 minutes and cover how to build an online income stream with our amazing Amare products. Can I send you an invite?
Customer You Want to Upgrade
Hey (NAME)! My friends (or mentors, whatever feels natural) are hosting a free virtual event this week and I immediately thought of you because of how much you are loving and seeing results from the Amare products. It will be about 30 minutes and cover how to build an online income stream with products that you already love. Your results so far have been great and I think this would be something to for sure look at. Can I send you an invite?
Follow Up with Prospect Who Didn’t Join, But Has Evaluated in the Past
Hey (NAME)! My friends (or mentors, whatever feels natural) are hosting a free virtual event this week and I immediately thought of you. I know we have talked about Amare in the past, but it’s absolutely worth a second look. The growth we’ve been seeing this past quarter with a new product launch has been amazing. The workshop will be about 30 minutes and cover how to build an online income stream with our amazing Amare products. Can I send you an invite?
The Modern Day 3-Way Call
How to Effectively Set up a 3-Way Message on FB
Message to your prospect before you setup the chat:
Hey, prospect’s name. I am glad you liked what you saw! I am working with some pretty incredible people. I want to introduce you to a couple of them so you can hear their story and they can help answer some of your questions since I’m pretty new ... hang on. I will set up a group chat ☺
Message into the group with your prospect and upline (s):
Hey, ______ (your upline name)! This is ______ (your prospect’s name). She is a great friend of mine. Right now, she is (Insert what they do) running a printing business and is looking to potentially start a business leveraging Facebook.
Hey, ____ (prospects name)! Meet ____ (your upline name). She/he is very knowledgeable about the Amare business and is a perfect person to answer your questions. As a matter of fact, she/he has built a (Insert personal info here) Very large team here in Amare. She/he is married with a few kids and she/he is super down to earth.
Pro Tip! Watch these training sessions on Messenger strategies from Diamond Cassie Woods.