Announcing partnership with AmareX–
When God opens a door, you better walk through it! This year has been all about making moves and here’s the next step…
I am so excited to announce that I am partnering with @amareglobal to be one of their first official brand ambassadors. I’ve talked about them before, but to recap, they are the OG and trademarked mental wellness company (no big deal right?!). Their products have literally changed my life, their core values align directly with mine, and together I believe we are going to change the narrative of mental wellness.
It’s time to shift the conversation and change the mood when it comes to mental wellness. Thank God we’ve given mental health a voice, now it’s time we give it legs. We need to share tools and strategies so we can come back stronger and healthier than ever, especially after these last few years. Mental wellness and genuine happiness doesn’t just have to be a bucket list for someday, it can be your reality. I should know, I’ve been on the journey and found it. Let @amareglobal help you find it too.
Head to (click the link in my bio) for all the details: from my story thus far to the products I take, from my morning and evening routines to a special interview I did with Dr Shawn Talbott (the science guru). He explains in such simple and relatable ways just how getting your gut clean actually makes your mind happy and body healthy. Let’s shift the narrative and change the mood around health wellness. Happiness hasn’t just become a reality for me, I believe it can be a reality for you.
Cheers to @amareglobal, to the future of mental wellness, and to your healthiest heart ever (body, spirit, AND mind).
Weight Loss Journey–
there are only two reasons I would ever share these photos:
1. if someone was threatening to harm me and said “share these photos or else!” (bc i really like life).
2. bc there’s someone out there who needs to see this. they need to know they’re not alone, and there is help.
this wasn’t easy. it’s taken a lot of work and there isn’t a secret magic pill, but honestly? @amareglobal has made all the difference.
when I tried weight loss products in the past, I always took progress photos, but i kept them in a locked folder on my phone, never to see the light of day. why? guilt, shame, and then there’s the fear of sharing a photo… publicly… in a sports bra. but when i took this first photo earlier this year, the feelings were even worse. i was mortified at how far i let my body go during quarantine. it happened for a lot of reasons… from emotional eating, to not being active, to thinking “i’ve already tried and failed too many times,” but it all led here… to the heaviest i had ever been. but that day i made a decision to take control of my health. and then i remade that decision every day. on hard days. disappointing days. emotional days. bored days. and i kept deciding. sometimes you just have to keep deciding to do the hard thing. and the Amare products were a game changer in helping me make those daily decisions.
so back to these photos… the first photo is before I started Amare, the second is after being on Amare products for one month (with no exercise or significant change in diet), and the third is after 12 weeks of being on Amare and adding consistent work outs (because I actually had the energy and motivation to do so, again, because of Amare). it has been an amazing journey… and it’s only just getting started… but I’m proud of where I’m at now.
I’m sharing this because hopefully it will help others who have the same thoughts and struggles to see a way out!
if you want to know more, DM me or join the Amare Live call today at 5pm PST. i would love to talk to you!
What I weigh is the least interesting thing about me.
But I’d be lying if I said that I don’t feel more like myself after losing 20 lbs of baby weight this past couple of months.
Instead of dieting, calorie counting, giving up food groups, or punishing myself with intense workouts my body wasn’t ready for, I tried something different.
I focused on rebalancing my gut and putting my mental wellness first.
The results have been 🤯.
This is magic, it’s just good science.
Want to know the *exact* process I followed to see these results?? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Interview with Dr. Shawn or Instagram Live–
The Man Who Changed My Life…
I could try to explain how important listening to our gut is, but I figured it would make way more sense if I spoke with @doctalbott. He not only helped me in my health journey, and not only is the scientist and genius formulator Amare global, but he can help you too.
This conversation is full of mind blowing moments - you’ll see!
Thank you @doctalbott and everyone at @amareglobal. You really have changed my life. So excited for the future.
Edge/ Gut Health Prompt–
Three years ago I knew nothing about how my gut health integrity played such a huge role in every OTHER area of my health.
Today, there’s nothing I won’t do to make sure my gut is balanced and my hormones are in check to make sure scary mommy doesn’t show up anymore!
🥴If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let’s talk.
🤔If you have a little idea but not sure where to start, let’s talk.
👩🏻🎓If you think you know all there is to know but yet you still know you don’t feel great, let’s definitely talk.
Personal Testimony Video–
Felt vulnerable, might delete later…
I let a lot of people into a lot of areas of my life. The way I see it, if I go through it, I want to help others who are still stuck in it find their way out of it… whatever the “it” may be.
Since I was a little girl, I’ve always told God, “if you help me I’ll help others.” I meant it. But somewhere in the drama and fear of where my life was 5 years ago, with the best of intentions, I lost my way. You wouldn’t have known it, because that what we do, but what started as a tool to perform became a trap of addiction. This last season has been about me getting healthy from the inside out, and I want to help other people do that too.
I spent so long masking symptoms, in all areas of life. It started manifesting in my body from psoriasis to adult acne, sleep issues to exhaustion, inflammation to stomach issues, and the list goes on… And it wasn’t until I stopped ignoring and started listening to my gut (in more ways than one) that I actually started healing. It’s an inside job (it always is). Turns out I wasn’t listening to my gut for years.. physically or emotionally… but I am now… and it is literally changing my life.
Here’s the part that might sound like a pitch, it isn’t. It’s my story, and I can’t tell it without talking about @amareglobal: THE mental wellness company (literally, they trademarked the term before it was cool). I wouldn’t be posting this video without them, nor would I be this nauseatingly vulnerable with you if wasn’t for them helping me. Not only has it worked for me, it’s working for my friends… all of us with different symptoms, all of us getting healthy from the inside out.
Now I want to help you.
I know the feeling of wanting to get healthy (whether with weight, skin, digestion or something else) but being afraid of failure, or failure again. I’ve been there. I also know that you don’t have to settle for a body that is worn out. God didn’t design us that way. I believe He heals, and I believe you can be healthy. I know because I’m proof.
GBX Fit–
Let’s cut the 💩💩💩
Somewhere along the way, you stopped making yourself a PRIORITY.
That led to adulting with some of the worst symptoms everyone’s just walking around with like it’s OK!
It’s not OK! Your body was meant to work FOR YOU, you just stopped supporting it.
That led to an enormous 💩 storm of unbalanced hormones and bacteria literally reeking havoc on your body, metabolism, immune system…you name it, it’s being affected.
I’ve found real solutions that help my body do more of what it’s supposed to be doing like fight viruses, get amazing sleep, beat cravings, control my stress/anxiety and now help me lose weight in the best, most sustainable way possible because it’s reprogramming my microbiome BACK TO NORMAL!
Bottle #1 of the world’s first quadbiotic which specifically targets weight loss is DONE! My husband and I are already feeling better, cravings are down, energy is up, sleep is better than ever and I love how I’m never bloated! This is the real deal!