The world's first QUADbiotic formula in a convenient & cool purple pill that targets the gut microbiome for healthy weight loss.
• Weight loss support*
• Improves gut health*
• Reduces bloating and inflammation*
• Regulates appetite and cravings*
Use For:
Weight Loss & Physical Performance
Combination of a specific prebiotic, probiotic, phytobiotic, and postbiotic targeted for weight loss in a cool and convenient purple pill
• Weight loss support*
• Improves gut health*
• Reduces bloating and inflammation*
• Regulates appetite and cravings*
What to Expect:
A few days for good benefits. 30 days for great benefits, 60-90 days (ongoing) for sustainable, long term mental wellness benefits.
You should feel lighter, lose inches around the waist, have improved gut health, less cravings, and less stress.
Take one capsule daily. Can be taken alonside your GBX protein or other Amare products. For accelerated benefits have two capsules daily. Can be taken in the morning or evening.
What if its not your fault you’re having trouble losing weight? ...What if it’s your MICROBIOME? This is the world's first QUADbiotic formula in a convenient & cool purple pill that targets the gut microbiome for healthy weight loss.
Who can Benefit:
This is for people who want a long term, sustainable, healthly weight loss solution without the use of stimulants, diuretics, etc.