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The most comprehensive combination of unique strains of probiotics, prebiotics, and phytobiotics that have been scientifically shown to improve mental wellness.*

Comes in Orignal and Sugar Free versions.

  • Improves aspects of mental wellness by populating the microbiome with specific strains of probiotics and prebiotics* 

  • Supports the growth and vitality of a range of beneficial gut bacteria* 

  • Reduces stress and promotes a positive mood* 

  • Helps normalize gut, immune and brain function* 

  • Ingredients shown to improve mood and reduce tension in human clinical trials*


Use For:

Gut Microbiome Balance. Mood, Confidence, & Happiness. Stress Resilience & Relaxation

Comprehensive blend of prebiotics, probiotics and phytobiotics that work in the gut and improve mental wellness.

  • Improves aspects of mental wellness by populating the microbiome with specific strains of probiotics and prebiotics*

  • Supports the growth and vitality of a range of beneficial gut bacteria*

  • Reduces stress and promotes a positive mood*

  • Helps normalize gut, immune and brain function*

  • Ingredients shown to improve mood and reduce tension in human clinical trials*

What to Expect:

Immediate benefits. A few days for good benefits. 30 days for great benefits, 60-90 days (ongoing) for sustainable, long term mental wellness benefits.

You should feel less stressed, more relaxed, and have a more balanced microbiome. (Balanced Microbiome = Balanced Neurochemicals)


Mix 1 scoop of Mentabiotics in the morning with 2-8 oz. of water, milk, fruit juice, smoothie, yogurt, or other foods or liquids. Feel free to use it with Edge and Energy (Happy Juice). Do not expose to boiling or scalding temperatures.


MentaBiotics supports the growth and vitality of a range of friendly gut bacteria to increase the production of “feel-good” neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin. In fact, 90% of our serotonin, the primary neurotransmitter responsible for happiness and mood, is actually produced and located in our gut. Science has proven that what is going on in your gut directly

contributes to your mental wellness via the gut-brain axis. Knowledge is power, and we now have the power to take control of our health in new ways!

Who can Benefit:

People who are looking to lower their stress, and balance their gut with clinically supported mechanisms.

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